A direct dialogue with nature, embracing the philosophy of street art (Italy)


Il Sedicente Moradi is one of the 13 designers selected for ZOO’s inaugural temporary exhibition.

ZOO _Hub spaces are concept stores and galleries, serving as a global showcase capable of narrating untold stories. Periodically, the ZOO team will curate exhibitions and collectives that traverse the broad discourse surrounding contemporary design.

“La Sedia Sospesa”

Iron, steel cable, bark

We could define this drawing as that ensemble of ideal lines, structural or decorative, which renders an object recognizable and comprehensible. 

Whether these lines are added, as in a baroque piece of furniture, or subtracted, as in a minimalist painting, there is one essential and invisible line to which everything is subjected: the barycenter.

The center of gravity is the internal axis which supports balance and makes functionality and sustainability possible. It is a single line which oscillates around a single center, thus becoming structure.

The experiment of the Suspended Chair is an elaboration of a study on the balance of forces. It is as simple as it is fascinating: two identical linear forms, similar to a fork, mirror each other, one above the other, and are suspended by fine wires.

By putting these forms in tension, a strong and stable equilibrium is created. It is baffling to the viewer: the aesthetic lines have almost disappeared, underscoring the single invisible line without which there would be no structure.

Rather than a finished physical object, this chair provides a keyhole through which to view and perceive the forces of physics.

Who is Il Sedicente Moradi

Born in Florence in 1980, Sedicente Moradi studied graphics for advertising and illustration. He later continued his studies at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, with a concentration on painting. Through studying and experimenting with the theme of landscapes in art, from 2010 Moradi gradually abandoned painting to establish a more direct dialogue with nature and what it inspires. He embraced the philosophy of street art, to reduce the distance between his art and its viewers.

Wood is the medium through which his creatures commune with their environment. They are familiar, recognizable figures which interact with the landscape and its inhabitants. Moradi’s installations are usually set in places that he is well-acquainted with and whose environment he studies and understands. Just a few tools are needed for Moradi to establish a connection with the space. He currently lives in Florence. 

ZOO is a container of stories, objects, events, talents, and culture.